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Wir betrachten Videospiele als ein modernes Medium um Geschichten zu erzählen. Es ist die perfekte Plattform, um den Millionen von bestehenden Fans und Spielbegeisterten Chaplin näher zu bringen.

Wir haben Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter aus vieler Nationalitäten. In unserem Studio wird Englisch und Französisch gesprochen. Dieser Karrierebereich steht daher nur englisch- oder französisch-sprechenden Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern offen. In der Regel erwarten wir Bewerbungen in englischer oder französischer Sprache, es sei denn wir vermerken ausdrücklich einen anderen Bedarf in der Stellenausschreibung.


Established in 2022, B Df’rent Games is a very small Indie Studio. We are driven by a spirit of innovation and experimentation and we have the resources to take on exciting challenges in connection with high-profile projects. Our first mobile game is based upon having secured an exclusive, worldwide license to develop software games inspired by the life and work of the artist and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin on hardware and or software platforms existing, under development, or future.


B Df’rent Games is always looking to expand our team. We believe nothing is more important than working with great people in a stimulating and fun environment. At B Df'rent, we have a passion for hard work, teamwork and mutual respect in support of a quest for excellence at all levels of our game creation, production and marketing processes. If you have a passion for gaming, an enthusiasm for learning, a willingness to take on challenges and come up with new ideas, we want to hear from you. 


What We Offer: 


  • A flexible work-from-home policy based on your position, team, and personal preferences

  • Flexible Working Hours

  • A policy that respects holiday entitlements for everyone. 

  • Coverage of home office expenses and equipment.

  • Support for training and development.




B Df’rent Games provides equal employment opportunity. Discrimination of any type will not be tolerated. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, promotion, termination, time off, and compensation. Our company is committed to respecting the confidentiality of information collected in the course of managing its human resources.

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